Psychiatrist – Maori Mental Health – New Zealand – AR-129

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:  AR-129

Psychiatrist – Maori Mental Health – New Zealand – AR-129

:  Wellington
:  New Zealand
:  Psychiatry
Job Type
:  Permanent
:  Yes
:  Per Union Contract
Start Date
:  Negotiable


Role Description

Role Position: Consultant Psychiatrist (Senior Medical Officer)
Hours of work: Permanent, Full time – 1 FTE 40 hours/week

Monday to Friday except on a public holiday

All SMOs are expected to be available to work on the after hour roster. 

Location(s): Based in Wellington.  However, you would be expected to work across the wider region if required.
Service / Directorate: Mental Health, Addictions & Intellectual Disability Service (MHAIDS) 3DHB
Responsible to:


Team Leader – Te Whare Marie Mental Health Service

 The Vision, Mission Statements and Values are:

Our Mission:

  • Together, Improve the Health and Independence of the People of the District.
  • Can do’ – leading, innovating and acting courageously; Working together with passion, energy and commitment; Trust through openness, honesty respect and integrity; Striving for excellence.
  • To improve, promote, and protect the health status of the people of the Wairarapa, and the independent living of those with disabilities, by supporting and encouraging healthy choices.

Our Vision

  • Better Health and Independence for People, Families and Communities.
  • Whanau Ora ki te Awakairangi. Healthy people, healthy families and healthy communities are so interlinked that it is impossible to identify which one comes first and then leads to another.
  • “Well Wairarapa – Better health for all”

 Our Values:

  • Innovation, Action, A focus on People and Patients, Living the Treaty, Professionalism through Leadership, Honesty, Integrity and Collaboration, Excellence through Effectiveness and Efficiency.
  • ‘Can do’ – leading, innovating and acting courageously; Working together with passion, energy and commitment; Trust through openness, honesty respect and integrity; Striving for excellence.
  • Respect – whakamana tangata; integrity – mana tu; self-determination

– rangatiratanga; co-operation – whakawhanaungatanga; and excellence – taumatatanga.  

This employer covers a region extending from Wellington to Otaki.  It comprises delivery arms in primary, secondary and tertiary health.  Hospital and Health Services (HHS) is primarily responsible for the hospital and health services delivered via a new Wellington Regional Hospital; a secondary and community facility at Kenepuru; a Forensic, Rehabilitation and Intellectual Disability Hospital at Ratonga Rua-o- Porirua; and Kapiti Community Hospital.

 Service Perspective

The hospital provides a range of services, one such group of services includes Mental Health, Addictions and Intellectual Disability (MHAID) Service. The Service has over 1400 employees and annual revenue of $135m.

The core business of the Service is the provision of quality specialist services, integrated with primary and secondary providers in the communities we serve.

The Service is committed to the underlying principles of:

  • The New Zealand Disability Strategy: Making a World of Difference – Whakanui Oranga.
  • Te Tahuhu and the Mental Health Blueprint for Mental Health Services in New Zealand to guide and direct service design, delivery, development, and review.
  • Intellectual Disability High and Complex Framework
  • Te Tiriti o Waitangi as the founding document of Aoteroa/New Zealand.

The Service has access to business support services including Human Resources and Finance.      In addition, management and delivery of clinical services across the Service is underpinned by consultation, advice, and support from a range of cultural, consumer, and family advisors, and business, quality and organisational development personnel.

 Team Perspective

This is a progressive service that offers Specialist Maori Mental Health Services throughout the Wellington and greater region that includes effective and appropriate assessment, treatment and care management to Tangata Whaiora and Whanau in a cultural setting, emphasising whanaungatanga, tikanga and Te Reo development.

An opportunity exists to be part of an exciting, innovative and creative multi-disciplinary team developing and implementing the Specialist Maori Mental Health Service.

We are a progressive service committed to providing regular clinical and cultural supervision, excellent professional clinical career pathways, regular in-service training and support towards external education.

 Purpose of the role

The Consultant Psychiatrist is responsible for ensuring that all clinical steps necessary are taken to assist clients to achieve optimal health, wellbeing and safety through the provision of appropriate assessment, intervention and education.  The Consultant Psychiatrist, as well as providing high quality diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of clients, is responsible for supporting clinical development of this service.

To work in a multidisciplinary team setting as a Consultant Psychiatrist, providing high quality diagnosis, treatment and follow up of mental health consumers and supporting the medical and psychiatric development of this service.

This service is for Maori clients who are 1 year of age to 65 years and over. The service is primarily community based and provides assessment, treatment and management of Maori clients with a mental health disorder.

Key Accountabilities




Deliverables / Outcomes Key Performance







•    Assess, diagnose and appropriately treat  patients within the clinical setting that the psychiatrist is working in.

•    Advise, consult and liaise with the patient  and relevant others about the likely

outcomes of the illness, with or without


•    Work alongside other mental health professionals and provide psychiatric

expertise within the multi-disciplinary

approach to patient care.                                  

•    Attend and actively participate in regular meetings for the purposes of assessment, for planning and implementing treatment

and for reviewing progress with treatment.

•    Skills and experience in a broad range of recovery orientated treatment modalities

•    Practice in a manner consistent with established ethical and clinical practice   

standards as provided by the Medical Council of New Zealand, the Royal

Australian & New Zealand College of Psychiatrists and other relevant professional bodies.

•    Be familiar with commonly applied clinical protocols, such as in prescribing and reviewing psychotropic medications, as well as with matters such as person administered self-medication, the Preferred Medicines List etc.

•    Supervise Registrars (if accredited) according to RANZCP requirements

•    Assume an active role in the training and development of medical students and other staff.


Assessment and management plans are clearly documented and implemented.

The patient understands the management of, or intervention with the illness.

Appropriate information is given ensuring patients are aware of and in agreement with proposed treatment.

The benefits to the patient from joint management of appropriate professionals are demonstrated.

The appropriate and established ethical standards of practice are met.

Patient case notes, documentation and diagnosis accuracy is of a high standard

All such protocols and practice standards are adhered to.




Deliverables / Outcomes Key Performance


Research, Planning

& Audit


•       Initiate and participate, in clinical             research, as negotiated and agreed.

•       Participate in audit activities which          assist with the development of high quality service.

•       Contribute to service development activities, including policy and service

planning and the evaluation and review of this service.

•       Assist with the provision of statistics, reports and service data.

Clinical research is completed and ethical guidelines followed.

Timely advice is provided to the Clinical Leader on trends in the specialty, predicted needs and future developments to provide

input to strategic and operational plans.




•       Comply with relevant statutory                

requirements, such as the Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and

Treatment) Act, Criminal Procedure

(Mentally Impaired Persons) Act,

Intellectual Disability (Compulsory Care

& Rehabilitation) Act, Protection of

Personal & Property Rights Act and the Privacy Act, as well as the general requirements placed upon any medical practitioner.

•       Comply with the provisions of the Privacy Act in respect of patient confidentiality

All such legal and statutory duties are undertaken and performed appropriately eg, Medical Practitioners Act, ACC, Coroners Act, Drugs Act.


Administration &



    Works to agreed standards and                     

complies with policies

Provide expert input to case conferences and to service education sessions.
Complete all appropriate patient documentation as specified by appropriate protocols and the Client Pathway.
General practitioners and other health workers are kept appropriately informed about a patient’s treatment.




Deliverables / Outcomes Key Performance


Cultural Awareness and



    Apply the principles of cultural safety in  own practice.


Assist people to feel safe culturally and support them in the pursuit of cultural affirmation and cultural self determination
Work in line with the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi –  o     Partnership o           Protection o           Participation




•    Ensure that all communication respects    the boundaries of ethics, confidentiality and sensitivity.

•    Adopt a positive, professional and respectful attitude with a focus on team      work.


Communicate clearly, respectfully and simply, ensuring audience understands intent of communication.

Use style of communication that takes account of different cultural communication styles and language.


Development &




•    Provides education and training services  to Mental Health Staff, within the Central Regional Health Authority area

•    Maintains a high level of professional

practice                                                                  

•    Displays a courteous and friendly demeanour at all times when dealing               with internal and external contacts

Take responsibility to develop professional career as agreed in discussion with the Clinical Leader Forensic Service.

Participate in DRAM and other inservice training activities.

Participate with senior medical colleagues in DHB-wide business and professional development activities.


Continuous Quality



 Actively contribute to Continuous Quality  Improvement activities within the service. Identifies improvement opportunities and notifies the manager of these.
Participates in the service’s quality improvement activities.
Provides good patient/client service and is responsive to patient/client requests or complaints.
Complies with standards and works to improve patient/client satisfaction.




Deliverables / Outcomes Key Performance


Risk Minimisation


 Actively contributes to risk minimisation  activities within the service. Identifies risks and notifies the manager of these.
Participates in the service’s risk minimisation activities.
Complies with Reportable Events policy and other policies and procedures.
Participates in audits.

Health and Safety


 Complies with responsibilities under the Health & Safety in Employment Act 1992 Has read and understood the Health & Safety policy and procedures.
                                                                                        Actively supports and complies with Health & Safety policy and procedures.
Evidence of support and compliance with health and safety policy and procedures including use of protective clothing and equipment as required, active participation in

hazard management and identification process, and proactive reporting and remedying of any unsafe work condition, accident or injury.

Other Tasks


 Undertake any other projects or tasks as    required within reasonable scope of the position description.


Projects are undertaken and completed to a high standard as assigned.

Key Relationships & Authorities

Reports to:                          

 Team Leader

Key relationships within service:

•      Clinical Leader (professional accountability)

•      Operations Manager

•      Other Psychiatrists and medical staff

•      Multidisciplinary staff

•      Consumer & Family


•      Kaumatua/Whaea/Matai

•      Admin Staff

ç Consultant Psychiatrist è Key relationships outside service:

•      Other DHBs Mental Health Services

•      Primary Health Services


                                                                               Has these direct


 Nil



Capability Profile



Solid performance in the role requires demonstration of the following competencies. These competencies provide a framework for selection and development.


Competency Behaviours
Customer focus


•       Demonstrates commitment to understanding and providing what customers want

•       Is dedicated to meeting the expectations and requirements of internal and external customers

•       Gets first-hand customer information and uses it for improvements in products and services

•       Acts with customers in mind

•       Establishes and maintains effective relationships with customers and gains their trust and respect



•       Develops constructive working relationships with other team members.

•       Has a friendly manner and a positive sense of humour

•       Works cooperatively – willingly sharing knowledge and expertise with colleagues

•       Shows flexibility – is willing to change work arrangements or take on extra tasks in the short term to help the service or team meet its commitments.

•       Supports in word and action decisions that have been made by the team.

•       Shows an understanding of how one’s own role directly or indirectly supports the health and independence of the community

Quality and Innovation


•       Provides quality service to those who rely on one’s work

•       Looks for ways to improve work processes – suggests new ideas and approaches

•       Explores and trials ideas and suggestions for improvement made by others.

•       Shows commitment to continuous learning and performance development

Cultural Skills


•       Words and actions show an understanding of the implications for one’s work of Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles and Maori perspective as tangata whenua

•       Values and celebrates diversity – showing respect for other cultures and people’s different needs and ways of living

•       Shows an awareness of gaps in, and a desire to increase, cultural knowledge and inter-cultural practice relevant to one’s work

•       Accesses resources to make sure culturally appropriate and language appropriate services are provided

•       Draws on a client’s own cultural resources and support frameworks

Communication •       Practices active and attentive listening

•       Explains information and gives instructions in clear and simple terms.

•       Willingly answers questions and concerns raised by others.

•       Responds in a non-defensive way when asked about errors or oversights, or when own position is challenged

•       Is confident and appropriately assertive in dealing with others    Deals effectively with conflict




Essential Experience and Capability


  1. Knowledge and Experience:
    • Experienced Consultant Psychiatrist
    • Experience in working with Inpatient and Community MH Services
    • Experience in providing clinical leadership to other psychiatrists in the team
    • Experience in providing clinical leadership in a multi-disciplinary setting


  1. Essential Professional Qualifications / Accreditations / Registrations:
    • Vocationally registered psychiatrist with Medical Council of NZ to practise as a Consultant Psychiatrist.


c. Valuing the work

Someone well-suited to the role will place a high value on the following:

  • Culturally sensitive
  • Recovery model of care
  • Interpersonal relationships and building trust
  • Problem solving inclusively, but able to take lead when needed.


d. Other

  • Have a current New Zealand driver’s license
  • Prepared to work across the entire region on short notice



Capital and Coast DHB

The Capital and Coast District Health Board (CCDHB) covers a region extending from Wellington to Otaki.  It comprises delivery arms in primary, secondary and tertiary health.  Hospital and Health Services (HHS) is primarily responsible for the hospital and health services delivered via a new Wellington Regional Hospital; a secondary and community facility at Kenepuru; a Forensic, Rehabilitation and Intellectual Disability Hospital at Ratonga Rua-o- Porirua; and Kapiti Community Hospital.


Hutt Valley DHB

The Hutt Valley District Health Board (DHB) is a hospital and health provider in the Hutt Valley, located 20 minutes from Wellington. Hutt Valley DHB provides secondary and tertiary, medical and surgical hospital services along-side community based health care. The main facility is Hutt Hospital in Lower Hutt, which has 260 beds. Hutt Valley DHB funds local health providers and works collaboratively with the community to create and support multiple health education initiatives and projects within the region.


Wairarapa DHB

Wairarapa District Health Board (DHB) is located 1.5 hours north of Wellington and Hutt Valley.

It covers a large mainly rural geographic area from Cape Palliser on the south coast, to Mount

Bruce in the north. Secondary hospital services are provided from the new 90 bed Wairarapa Hospital in Masterton, serving a population of around 40,000. Wairarapa DHB has a unique relationship with primary and community services to meet the needs of their population.


Service Perspective

The hospital and health services of the DHBs provide a range of services, one such group of services includes Mental Health, Addictions and Intellectual Disability (MHAID) Service. The Service has over 1400 employees and annual revenue of $135m.


MHAIDS spans three DHBs – Wairarapa, Hutt Valley and Capital and Coast DHB’s and includes local, regional, and national services. The local MHAID services are provided from multiple sites within the 3DHB sub-region – greater Wellington, Hutt Valley and Wairarapa. Te Korowai Whariki services include regional forensic and rehabilitation services covering the Central region while the intellectual disability services extend the length and breadth of the country from six bases located in Whangarei, Auckland, Cambridge, Wellington, Christchurch, and Dunedin.


The core business of the Service is the provision of quality specialist services, integrated with primary and secondary providers in the communities we serve.


The Service is committed to the underlying principles of:

  • The New Zealand Disability Strategy: Making a World of Difference – Whakanui Oranga.
  • Te Tahuhu and the Mental Health Blueprint for Mental Health Services in New Zealand to guide and direct service design, delivery, development, and review.
  • Intellectual Disability High and Complex Framework
  • Te Tiriti o Waitangi as the founding document of Aoteroa/New Zealand.


The Service has access to business support services including Human Resources and Finance.      In addition, management and delivery of clinical services across the Service is underpinned by consultation, advice, and support from a range of cultural, consumer, and family advisors, and business, quality and organisational development personnel.


Team Perspective

Te Whare Marie is a progressive service that offers Specialist Maori Mental Health Services throughout the Wellington and greater region.  Te Whare Marie offers effective and appropriate assessment, treatment and care management to Tangata Whaiora and Whanau in a cultural setting, emphasising whanaungatanga, tikanga and Te Reo development.


An opportunity exists to be part of an exciting, innovative and creative multi-disciplinary team developing and implementing the Specialist Maori Mental Health Service.


We are a progressive service committed to providing regular clinical and cultural supervision, excellent professional clinical career pathways, regular in-service training and support towards external education.


Purpose of the role

The Consultant Psychiatrist is responsible for ensuring that all clinical steps necessary are taken to assist clients to achieve optimal health, wellbeing and safety through the provision of appropriate assessment, intervention and education.  The Consultant Psychiatrist, as well as providing high quality diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of clients, is responsible for supporting clinical development of this service.

To work in a multidisciplinary team setting as a Consultant Psychiatrist, providing high quality diagnosis, treatment and follow up of mental health consumers and supporting the medical and psychiatric development of this service.

Te Whare Marie MHS, is for Maori clients who are 1 year of age to 65 years and over. The service is primarily community based and provides assessment, treatment and management of Maori clients with a mental health disorder.

















Key Accountabilities




Deliverables / Outcomes Key Performance







•    Assess, diagnose and appropriately treat  patients within the clinical setting that the psychiatrist is working in.

•    Advise, consult and liaise with the patient  and relevant others about the likely

outcomes of the illness, with or without


•    Work alongside other mental health professionals and provide psychiatric

expertise within the multi-disciplinary

approach to patient care.                                  

•    Attend and actively participate in regular meetings for the purposes of assessment, for planning and implementing treatment

and for reviewing progress with treatment.

•    Skills and experience in a broad range of recovery orientated treatment modalities

•    Practice in a manner consistent with established ethical and clinical practice   

standards as provided by the Medical Council of New Zealand, the Royal

Australian & New Zealand College of Psychiatrists and other relevant professional bodies.

•    Be familiar with commonly applied clinical protocols, such as in prescribing and reviewing psychotropic medications, as well as with matters such as person administered self-medication, the Preferred Medicines List etc.

•    Supervise Registrars (if accredited) according to RANZCP requirements

•    Assume an active role in the training and development of medical students and other staff.


Assessment and management plans are clearly documented and implemented.

The patient understands the management of, or intervention with the illness.

Appropriate information is given ensuring patients are aware of and in agreement with proposed treatment.

The benefits to the patient from joint management of appropriate professionals are demonstrated.

The appropriate and established ethical standards of practice are met.

Patient case notes, documentation and diagnosis accuracy is of a high standard

All such protocols and practice standards are adhered to.




Deliverables / Outcomes Key Performance


Research, Planning

& Audit


•       Initiate and participate, in clinical             research, as negotiated and agreed.

•       Participate in audit activities which          assist with the development of high quality service.

•       Contribute to service development activities, including policy and service

planning and the evaluation and review of this service.

•       Assist with the provision of statistics, reports and service data.

Clinical research is completed and ethical guidelines followed.

Timely advice is provided to the Clinical Leader on trends in the specialty, predicted needs and future developments to provide

input to strategic and operational plans.




•       Comply with relevant statutory                

requirements, such as the Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and

Treatment) Act, Criminal Procedure

(Mentally Impaired Persons) Act,

Intellectual Disability (Compulsory Care

& Rehabilitation) Act, Protection of

Personal & Property Rights Act and the Privacy Act, as well as the general requirements placed upon any medical practitioner.

•       Comply with the provisions of the Privacy Act in respect of patient confidentiality

All such legal and statutory duties are undertaken and performed appropriately eg, Medical Practitioners Act, ACC, Coroners Act, Drugs Act.


Administration &



    Works to CCDHB standards and                     

complies with policies

Provide expert input to case conferences and to service education sessions.
Complete all appropriate patient documentation as specified by appropriate protocols and the Client Pathway.
General practitioners and other health workers are kept appropriately informed about a patient’s treatment.




Deliverables / Outcomes Key Performance


Cultural Awareness and



    Apply the principles of cultural safety in  own practice.


Assist people to feel safe culturally and support them in the pursuit of cultural affirmation and cultural self determination
Work in line with the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi –  o     Partnership o           Protection o           Participation




•    Ensure that all communication respects    the boundaries of ethics, confidentiality and sensitivity.

•    Adopt a positive, professional and respectful attitude with a focus on team      work.


Communicate clearly, respectfully and simply, ensuring audience understands intent of communication.

Use style of communication that takes account of different cultural communication styles and language.


Development &




•    Provides education and training services  to Mental Health Staff, within the Central Regional Health Authority area

•    Maintains a high level of professional

practice                                                                  

•    Displays a courteous and friendly demeanour at all times when dealing               with internal and external contacts

Take responsibility to develop professional career as agreed in discussion with the Clinical Leader Forensic Service.

Participate in DRAM and other inservice training activities.

Participate with senior medical colleagues in DHB-wide business and professional development activities.


Continuous Quality



 Actively contribute to Continuous Quality  Improvement activities within the service. Identifies improvement opportunities and notifies the manager of these.
Participates in the service’s quality improvement activities.
Provides good patient/client service and is responsive to patient/client requests or complaints.
Complies with standards and works to improve patient/client satisfaction.




Deliverables / Outcomes Key Performance


Risk Minimisation


 Actively contributes to risk minimisation  activities within the service. Identifies risks and notifies the manager of these.
Participates in the service’s risk minimisation activities.
Complies with C&C DHB Reportable Events policy and other policies and procedures.
Participates in audits.

Health and Safety


 Complies with responsibilities under the Health & Safety in Employment Act 1992 Has read and understood the Health & Safety policy and procedures.
                                                                                        Actively supports and complies with Health & Safety policy and procedures.
Evidence of support and compliance with health and safety policy and procedures including use of protective clothing and equipment as required, active participation in

hazard management and identification process, and proactive reporting and remedying of any unsafe work condition, accident or injury.

Other Tasks


 Undertake any other projects or tasks as    required within reasonable scope of the position description.


Projects are undertaken and completed to a high standard as assigned.









Key Relationships & Authorities


Reports to:                          

 Team Leader



Key relationships within service:

•      Clinical Leader (professional accountability)

•      Operations Manager

•      Other Psychiatrists and medical staff

•      Multidisciplinary staff

•      Consumer & Family


•      Kaumatua/Whaea/Matai

•      Admin Staff

ç Consultant Psychiatrist è Key relationships outside service:

•      Other DHBs Mental Health Services

•      Primary Health Services


                                                                               Has these direct


 Nil






Capability Profile



Solid performance in the role requires demonstration of the following competencies. These competencies provide a framework for selection and development.


Competency Behaviours
Customer focus


•       Demonstrates commitment to understanding and providing what customers want

•       Is dedicated to meeting the expectations and requirements of internal and external customers

•       Gets first-hand customer information and uses it for improvements in products and services

•       Acts with customers in mind

•       Establishes and maintains effective relationships with customers and gains their trust and respect



•       Develops constructive working relationships with other team members.

•       Has a friendly manner and a positive sense of humour

•       Works cooperatively – willingly sharing knowledge and expertise with colleagues

•       Shows flexibility – is willing to change work arrangements or take on extra tasks in the short term to help the service or team meet its commitments.

•       Supports in word and action decisions that have been made by the team.

•       Shows an understanding of how one’s own role directly or indirectly supports the health and independence of the community

Quality and Innovation


•       Provides quality service to those who rely on one’s work

•       Looks for ways to improve work processes – suggests new ideas and approaches

•       Explores and trials ideas and suggestions for improvement made by others.

•       Shows commitment to continuous learning and performance development

Cultural Skills


•       Words and actions show an understanding of the implications for one’s work of Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles and Maori perspective as tangata whenua

•       Values and celebrates diversity – showing respect for other cultures and people’s different needs and ways of living

•       Shows an awareness of gaps in, and a desire to increase, cultural knowledge and inter-cultural practice relevant to one’s work

•       Accesses resources to make sure culturally appropriate and language appropriate services are provided

•       Draws on a client’s own cultural resources and support frameworks

Communication •       Practices active and attentive listening

•       Explains information and gives instructions in clear and simple terms.

•       Willingly answers questions and concerns raised by others.

•       Responds in a non-defensive way when asked about errors or oversights, or when own position is challenged

•       Is confident and appropriately assertive in dealing with others    Deals effectively with conflict




Essential Experience and Capability


  1. Knowledge and Experience:
    • Experienced Consultant Psychiatrist
    • Experience in working with Inpatient and Community MH Services
    • Experience in providing clinical leadership to other psychiatrists in the team
    • Experience in providing clinical leadership in a multi-disciplinary setting


  1. Essential Professional Qualifications / Accreditations / Registrations:
    • Vocationally registered psychiatrist with Medical Council of NZ to practise as a Consultant Psychiatrist.


c. Valuing the work

Someone well-suited to the role will place a high value on the following:

  • Culturally sensitive
  • Recovery model of care
  • Interpersonal relationships and building trust
  • Problem solving inclusively, but able to take lead when needed.


d. Other

  • Have a current New Zealand driver’s license
  • Prepared to work across the 3 DHBs at short notice


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